This policy was last updated on November 24, 2020.

At PEPA RENT CAR, we respect your privacy. We have implemented this privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”) to explain our data collection and use practices. You can learn more in the sections below.   


You may provide us with certain information in connection with a transaction or in your interactions with our websites and at our locations. We collect the following types of personal information from you:

Vehicle Data 

Our vehicles may be equipped with technology that collects and transmits data. ("Vehicle Data Systems").  This may include information collected from event data recorders, global positioning devices, OnStar systems, or any other similar technology.  Some or all Vehicle Data Systems functionality will be active during rental periods. When installed and where permissible, Vehicle Data Systems will enable us to collect and use information such as (1) location information, (2) collision information, and (3) vehicle operation information, such as operational condition, mileage, tire pressure and fuel status and other diagnostic and performance information. Once collected, this information may be combined with information you have provided us and used to generate safety, performance, and other similar information so that we can deliver better services.  Our use of information collected from the vehicle may include sharing information with their parties such as service providers, partners, and as otherwise explained in this privacy policy.  Our use of the information may also include storage of this information after the expiration of the rental agreement. Your use of the Vehicle Data Systems made available to you is subject to the terms and conditions and privacy policy posted by the applicable Vehicle Data Systems provider and/or vehicle manufacturer (in the case of OnStar, information is available at, which may include system and service limitations, warranty exclusions, limitations of liability, wireless service provider terms, privacy practices, descriptions of use and sharing of information and user responsibilities. See a list of manufacturers from which we purchase vehicles on the Vehicle Manufacturers page. 

We are not responsible for any data that is left in the vehicle as a result of your use. We cannot guarantee the privacy or confidentiality of such information and you must wipe it before you return the vehicle to us. 

Telematics Data will be shared with emergency service providers, others who assist in responding to an accident, telematics service operators or those with whom we have a legal or contractual obligation to provide such data.






We use the information we collect from you or about you to provide you with our services and for the following purposes:

Retention of Your Personal Information

We retain your personal information for as long as we need to fulfil our business purposes, as set out below:

Marketing purposes: We keep data linked to cookies and other online identifiers for up to three years. We keep other marketing information, such as email subscription and loyalty enrolment data for up to 7 years after your last interaction with us.

Rental transactions: We keep the data associated with your rental agreement for up to 7 years from the date of the rental, subject to other local legal requirements. We keep records of payments you have made for 2 years from the date of the transaction (depending on the location of the rental).

Customer service related queries: We keep general queries for 3 years, unless you make a complaint, in which case, we keep complaints data for 7 years.

Disputes & law enforcement: If we are involved in litigation or a governmental or regulatory investigation, then we keep data throughout the period of litigation or investigation and for 5 years after that. If a settlement means that we have to keep data for longer, then we keep data for the period required to administer the settlement. If we provide data to law enforcement agencies, then we keep a record of this for one year beyond the end of the investigation.




We use your personal information for the following purposes:

Our Service Providers and Business Partners

We will share your information with third parties, such as (1) payment, administrative and technical support providers, (2) our insurance, corporate rental or other customers or partners to facilitate the rental transaction, (3) communication providers which send email and other marketing and service-related communications to you on our behalf, (4) customer support providers in order to provide you customer service, (5) debt collection providers, (6) claims processors, and (7) our advertising and marketing partners and third-party media properties, including social media sites, with whom we share aggregated orde-identified information about our customers, to allow them to send targeted advertising messages on our behalf, to analyze, enhance and manage our data, conduct mobile analytics services and to maintain and improve our services (subject to confidentiality agreements as appropriate).

Government Authorities

Your personal information may also be shared with government authorities as outlined above.

Social Media Widgets  

Our websites may include social media features, such as the Facebook button. These features may collect your IP address, pages you are visiting on our site, and may set a cookie to enable the feature to function properly. Social media features and widgets are either hosted by a third party or hosted directly on our site. Your interactions with these features are governed by the privacy policy of the company providing it.  

If you use one of these social media sites and do not want them to collect data through our website and link it to your member data, you must log out of your user account before visiting our website and delete the relevant cookies. You can also block social plug-ins with browser add-ons. See the social media site for their plug-in instructions or see our Cookie Policy for more information. 




The information you provide us or that we collect may be transferred or accessed by entities around the world, including:



Your rights may include the right to: 1) ask us for a copy of your personal information, 2) request that we correct your personal information, 3) request that we erase certain categories or types of information, 4) request that we restrict certain processing, 5) obtain the information you provide in a structured, machine readable format and 6) to transfer some of this information to other organizations. You have the right to object to processing of personal information on the basis of our legitimate interests. Where we have asked for your consent to process information, you have the right to withdraw this consent at any time.

You can exercise these rights by contacting us directly using the link at the bottom of this page. We will respond to your request within 30 days or as required by local law.

We reserve the right not to allow access to your information or to limit your rights (e.g. if such disclosure is prohibited by law or if the rights of another individual might be violated). In some instances, this may mean that we are able to retain your personal information even if you withdraw your consent.



You have the right to object to direct marketing as well as profiling we perform for the purposes of direct marketing. You will be able to opt out of direct marketing communications by following the instructions in each communication you receive. You may also contact us directly using the link at the bottom of this page.



As necessary, we will update this Privacy Policy to reflect changes in our privacy practices. If we make any material changes, we will notify you by email or by means of a notice on this site or as otherwise may be required or permitted by law, prior to the change becoming effective. We encourage you to periodically review this site for the latest information on our privacy practices.



If you are making a rental or visiting a website or mobile site in the following countries, the Data Controller will be listed as below.


Country Data Controller Contact Information

STREET ADDRESS: Tirana International Airport (TIA) "Nene Tereza" Rinas, Albania

TELEPHONE: +355 68 40 47 131